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From 88kg to 76kg: My 3-Month Journey of Transformation and Resilience

Keisham Yaiphaba

(The writer is an Imphal base journalist)

İmphal: Embarking on a journey towards better health and fitness is often challenging but immensely rewarding. For me, this journey began with a simple yetThe writer is an Imphal base journalist haibiro powerful decision: to transform my life through consistent exercise and healthier habits. Over the past three months, I have successfully reduced my weight from 88kg to 76kg. Here’s how I did it, with the unwavering support of my brothers Saroj and Brojen.
The Catalyst: Support from Loved Ones.
My journey began with a heartfelt conversation with my brothers, Sarojkumar Sharma ( Senior Media Colleague) and Brojendro Ningombam (Senior Media Colleague ). Seeing my struggle with weight and lifestyle choices, they encouraged me to make a change. Their belief in me became the driving force behind my commitment to a healthier lifestyle.“Seeing my brother struggle was hard,” Saroj said. “We knew he needed support, and we were ready to give it.”Their support was not just emotional but practical, as they shared tips and motivated me every step of the way.
The Exercise Regimen: Running and Hill Climbing.
A key component of my weight loss journey was incorporating regular exercise into my routine. I chose two main activities:
Running: Every day, I dedicated time to running. It started with short distances, gradually increasing as my stamina improved. Running not only helped me burn calories but also boosted my cardiovascular health and overall endurance.
Hill Climbing at Nongmaiching Ching: Living near the beautiful Nongmaiching Ching provided an excellent opportunity for a challenging and rewarding workout. Climbing hills is a fantastic way to build strength and stamina. The steep inclines and rugged terrain of Nongmaiching Ching pushed my limits, helping me shed weight while enjoying the breathtaking natural scenery.“Climbing Nongmaiching Ching was tough but incredibly rewarding,” I shared. “Each climb felt like a victory.”
Lifestyle Changes: Quitting Alcohol
Another significant change was my decision to stop drinking alcohol every day. Alcohol consumption not only adds empty calories but also affects metabolism and can lead to poor food choices. By cutting out daily drinking, I noticed a substantial improvement in my energy levels and overall well-being. This change played a crucial role in my weight loss and allowed me to focus better on my fitness goals.“Quitting alcohol was a game-changer,” I said. “I felt more energetic and focused.”
The Results: A Healthier, Happier Me.
After three months of consistent exercise and lifestyle changes, I am thrilled with the results. I have lost 12kg, reducing my weight from 88kg to 76kg. This achievement is not just about the numbers on the scale but also about how I feel. I have more energy, improved stamina, and a newfound sense of confidence.
The Support System: Saroj and Brojen.
Throughout this journey, my brothers Saroj and Brojen have been my pillars of support. Their encouragement and guidance were invaluable. They celebrated every milestone with me, making the journey enjoyable and less daunting. Knowing that they were proud of my progress motivated me to keep pushing forward.“We’re incredibly proud of his dedication and transformation,” Brojen said. “He’s an inspiration to us all.”
My weight loss journey from 88kg to 76kg over three months is a testament to the power of determination, support, and consistent effort. By incorporating regular exercise, particularly running and hill climbing, and making healthier lifestyle choices like quitting alcohol, I achieved my goals. This transformation has not only improved my physical health but also enriched my life with better habits and a positive outlook.If I can do it, anyone can, with a little support and a lot of perseverance. Start your journey today, and embrace the path to a healthier, happier you.
Inspiring Others
My story is not just about weight loss but about reclaiming my life and health. I hope my journey inspires others to take that first step towards their own transformation. With determination and support, anything is possible.

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