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Journalists Rescued Amidst Severe Flooding in Manipur

Imphal: The office of the All Manipur Working Journalist Union (AMWJU) has been submerged due to the severe flooding caused by Cyclone Remal. IJU President Geetartha Pathak and Bangladeshi journalist Ayub Bhuiyan, who were staying at the union guest house, found themselves stranded inside the Manipur Press Club guest house.

Team of Leimakhong 267 Engineering Regiment, Indian Army swiftly responded, rescuing the marooned journalists by boat and relocating them to a safe place. Both Pathak and Bhuiyan were in Manipur to assess the post-conflict situation in the state.

Water levels reached waist height or more in some areas, making navigation difficult and dangerous. The main road was a considerable distance away, and the risk of open drain manholes and dirt posed additional hazards. The Army, already engaged in rescue operations nearby, came to their aid, ensuring their safety.

The flooding brought the entire city to a standstill, although some residents were seen using fishing nets to catch fish in the floodwaters. AMWJU President Bijoy Kakchingtabam provided care and support to the journalists during the ordeal. IJU Treasurer Asem Bhakta Singh, along with IJU NEC Member Kh. Naoba, remained with them throughout, guiding and assisting them. Asem even hosted the journalists at his home on the 30th, as no hotels were available.

Both journalists expressed their gratitude to the Army Jawans and the Manipur team of IJU for their timely assistance and unwavering support.


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