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Journalists March to Chief Minister’s Bungalow Demanding Action Against Police Officer

Asem Bhakta, Special Correspondent North East

Imphal: Members of the All Manipur Working Journalists Union (AMWJU) and Editors Guild Manipur (EGM) marched from the Manipur Press Club to the Chief Minister’s bungalow this afternoon, calling for the termination of a Manipur Police Sub-Inspector.

The protest followed the physical assault of Mutum Rameshchandra, a senior reporter for Impact TV News, during a rally by internally displaced people (IDPs) in the Akampat area of Imphal East district. The incident occurred while senior reporter Rameshchandra was covering the rally aimed at addressing the grievances of the IDPs. Despite clearly identifying himself as a journalist and showing his ID card, he was kicked and punched, sustaining injuries to his right chin. His phone was smashed, and he was also attacked with a service weapon by the police officer involved.

The AMWJU and EGM submitted a memorandum to the Chief Minister, demanding immediate action. The demands included:

  1. Immediate Investigation: A thorough and impartial investigation into the attack on the media person. The police officer involved must be identified and swiftly brought to justice.
  2. Protective Measures: Implementation of strict instructions for state police while dealing with protesters, ensuring they recognize the presence of media persons covering events to reduce such unwanted incidents.
  3. Prompt Action: A call for a rally by the journalist fraternity to condemn the attack and submit the memorandum, demanding visible action within 48 hours.

The AMWJU and EGM also urged the formation of an inquiry committee and appropriate action against the police officer involved in the assault. They emphasized the need for accountability and protection for journalists, condemning the attack as a severe breach of press freedom and a deliberate act by the officer involved.

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