Manipur University’s Anthropology Department Celebrates 40 Years of Excellence

Asem Bhakta, Special Correspondent North East


The Department of Anthropology at Manipur University is marking a significant milestone this year, celebrating 40 years since its establishment. Founded on August 31, 1984, the department has grown into a leading center for anthropological research and education, particularly in Northeast India.

Professor MC Arun, Head of the Anthropology Department Manipur University highlighted the department’s evolution over the past four decades. He emphasized the department’s role in advancing the understanding of the complex relationships between culture, biology, and environment. Through a diverse curriculum and innovative research programs, the department has made substantial contributions to anthropology, with a special focus on the region’s unique cultural and biological diversity.

To celebrate this landmark, the department organized a social service camp attended by over 100 participants, including semester students, research scholars, faculty, and non-teaching staff. The camp, held from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., included the planting of more than 20 fruit-bearing trees around the department’s building as part of its environmental outreach said Professor Mc Arun.


In addition to the social service activities, Professor Mc Arun announced plans for a two-day National Seminar titled “Borderland Peoples: Lived-world, Challenges and Responses,” scheduled for December 2024. The seminar aims to reflect on the department’s achievements and ongoing commitment to exploring anthropological issues across societies.


Professor S. Jibonkumar Singh, Dean of the School of Human and Environmental Sciences and a faculty member of the Department, shared a historical perspective on the department’s journey from its humble beginnings in a small room attached to the university’s hostel to its current facilities. He credited the department’s success to the vision and efforts of retired faculty members who contributed significantly to its development.

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